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With the rise of e-sports, competitive gaming has become a major industry that attracts mill


With the rise of e-sports, competitive gaming has become a major industry that attracts millions of gamers worldwide, with League of Legends being one of the most popular games. The game requires players to use strategy and teamwork to defeat opponents, making it a perfect game for e-sports. As such, e-sports has become a popular subject for academic research. This paper will focus on the Hero's Journey as a framework for analyzing the narratives of e-sports events, specifically within the context of League of Legends.

The Hero's Journey in League of Legends

The Hero's Journey is a concept popularized by Joseph Campbell, which he outlined in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". It consists of three main stages: departure, initiation, and return. The departure stage involves the hero leaving their ordinary world and entering a new, unknown world. The initiation stage involves the hero overcoming challenges and growing as a person. Finally, the return stage involves the hero returning to their ordinary world, transformed by their experiences.

While the Hero's Journey was originally developed as a framework for analyzing myths and epics, it can also be used to analyze narratives in e-sports events. In League of Legends, players enter the game as heroes, embarking on a journey to defeat their opponents and become champions. This journey is similar to the Hero's Journey, with players departing from their ordinary world of everyday life and entering the world of competitive gaming.

The Departure Stage

During the departure stage in League of Legends, players must leave behind their ordinary life and enter the world of the game. This can involve a range of challenges, from learning how to play the game to finding a team to play with. Players must also learn to work together as a team, which can be a major adjustment for those used to playing games solo.

Another key aspect of the departure stage is the selection of characters or champions. Players must choose a champion that suits their playstyle and work to improve their skills in using that champion. This involves learning how to use the champion's abilities effectively, as well as understanding which items and strategies work best with that champion. All of these challenges are part of the departure stage and are essential for players to progress in the game.

The Initiation Stage

The initiation stage in League of Legends involves players learning to overcome challenges and grow as players. This can involve learning new strategies, honing skills, and working to improve communication and teamwork. Players must also learn to adapt to new situations, such as changes in the meta or new champions being introduced into the game.

In addition, players must also learn to deal with losing. In competitive gaming, not every game can be won, and players must learn to accept defeat and work to improve for the next game. This can be a tough lesson to learn, but it is essential for players to grow as competitors.

The Return Stage

The return stage in League of Legends involves players taking what they have learned and returning to their ordinary world with newfound skills and knowledge. This can involve returning to solo play or continuing to compete in team events. Either way, players must use their experiences in the game to improve and grow as individuals.

For professional players, the return stage also involves giving back to the community. This can involve coaching or mentoring new players or participating in charity events. By doing so, professional players can inspire the next generation of gamers and contribute to the growth of the e-sports industry.


Overall, the Hero's Journey provides a useful framework for analyzing the narratives of e-sports events, particularly within the context of League of Legends. By understanding how players enter the world of the game, overcome challenges, and grow as individuals, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and depth of the e-sports industry.